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Coastal Companies


Our team carefully inspects a property’s overall building structure, common areas and roof stability to ensure that every detail has been addressed. Partnering with top certified window inspectors, our team provides accurate estimations inside and out. Our estimation team also:

Takes photos of the entire property

Notes any problems throughout

Checks for signs of water intrusion

Looks for drywall fractures in the walls and ceilings

Once all of the information is gathered, our team compiles a detailed estimate of your project. Our estimation process takes approximately two to three weeks for completion.



In Florida, it’s no surprise that storms and other inclement weather can occur, especially during the summer months. After instances involving strong winds, it’s imperative to have your building properly inspected for wind-related damage. Your building’s exterior is responsible for more than just aesthetic appeal. It helps to protect what’s inside, and although it may look fine with the untrained eye, there may be damage beneath the surface.

Your roof may seem fine from a distance, but when a trained inspector takes a closer look, there can be significant damage, which can cause more problems later. You windows can also be compromised after strong winds and may need to be repaired.

Both of these instances require proper inspection to ensure that the integrity of the building remains.



Reliable experts can sometimes be difficult to find. That’s why having a team on your side when you’re dealing with damage to a property is key. Our expert team provides:

Expert Testimony– We ensure that you are provided with a professional estimate of the damage to your property by a licensed estimator with vast experience in the industry.

Expert Damage Valuation– Get the most out of your claim by choosing to partner with a professional, who can ensure that you’re able to get validation of your damage claim.

Expert Witnesses – Construction Defects & Appraisals– When an aspect of your building is not structurally sound, our team can help. We are trained to search for defects in building materials and building practices, so that we can create a plan of action to fix it.

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